Thursday, January 22, 2009


Obama is now our 44th president and CHANGE will occur, but my issue is that there's an assumption that this one man is going to take on his new job full-time and somehow wave a magic wand of change, and I don't believe that to be true.
I think that we have to be the CHANGE, I think that we as a nation have to be leaders of the movement that we want to create and stop waiting for the change to happen, and create it.

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years resolutions?

So I know we all make them, although most of us wont ever.. ever admit to them. So here is your chance to admit to the ' resolution ' that you've made this year and you can even post under ' annonymous '. Mine is quiet simple, I just want to go forward not look back, dont want to wear my heart on my sleeves and always stay true to myself, and this year I will do the ' AIDS LIFE CYCLE ' and will complete it ( fingers crossed ).