Thursday, January 22, 2009


Obama is now our 44th president and CHANGE will occur, but my issue is that there's an assumption that this one man is going to take on his new job full-time and somehow wave a magic wand of change, and I don't believe that to be true.
I think that we have to be the CHANGE, I think that we as a nation have to be leaders of the movement that we want to create and stop waiting for the change to happen, and create it.


Anonymous said...

In the age of history and history nots it has been an obvious circumstance that we live in a democracy that has come from human oppression and still does it well.
From Women to native americans thus african americans too from the constitution that clearly states all men are created equal but which offends my intelligence where it should have been said all human beings are created equal.
We all know that this government is controlled by bankers powerful bankers(federal Reserve--private power bankers--) that run many agendas around the world and purposely bankrupt countries and also are associated with the assignations with world leaders in guatemala Columbia and yes MLK John F Kennedy and lets not forget that CHASE bank paid government leaders to wipe out the OAXACAN people and take over CHIAPAS cause chiapas is a rainforest and has the potential to outright bring many resources panamal canal should i continue. The paid PAN and PRI attempted to justified GOV over People but guess what the people said NO. This entity is an invisible entity but its not hidden but obvious but we are all looking the other way.

It was never meant for the USA to get out of its debt.
Now the bushes from the father to the son has political ties and companies that are gonna make a bundle from or have made a bundle from rebuilding Kuwait and ofcourse IRAQ.
The USA murder Hussein cause he gave them the finger just like Guatemala and Honduras.
Guess what the South-central american Coutries that didnt cave got 14 million dollars and sold contracts to american based company on the expence of their own people which live in a horrific poverty levels which is mimicking our own.(not a mistake)

Yes lets not make Obama the patriot but our selves one but government in itself will kill you.
As they did lincoln to John to MLK and Cesar Chavez was on the hit list .They consider him a terrorist.
Truth of the matter we need to be intelligent and not accept things that are hyprocritical.

Religion in and around history we all know was a way of control.


Camilo Arenivar said...

Indeed you are correct, in fact, President Barack Obama himself has said that when he was running for office. He said:

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."

Amen to that. Obama has never ever painted himself as some person who is going to make everything better, in fact he has continually urged people to make more responsibility in creating that change they seek.

Although with 2-3 days in office, has magic wand has already:

*initiated the closing of the questionable Guantanammo Bay facility

*forbidden the CIA's use of questionable torture tactics and is closing their "secret" prisons

*ended the Bush administration's ban on giving federal money to international groups that perform abortions or provide information on the option

Hopefully soon we'll see the reversal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" as well...

He is doing the things he can, now it is our turn.

Migs said...

I think that he is making some progress and I applaud him, but I was just listening to so many ppl thinking that he is going to do all the work and that all we have to do as a nation is sit back and watch it change. We are the CHANGE