Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Gay Bashing at a Sports Bar: What Do You Do?

ABC News Tested Americans' increasing open-mindedness, they staged a verbal gay-bashing scenario at a local sports bar in Linden, N.J. They hired actor Vince August to play a homophobic patron. Dusty St. Amand and Dominic Benevento, a gay couple in real life, played the targets of his slurs. Two additional actors, Traci Hovel and Brad Lee Wind, played a heterosexual couple at the opposite end of the bar.


Anonymous said...

Wow, this was an interesting experiment and mirrors an experience I had at my own bar just last week. I'm proud to see that people weren''t afraid to speak up against intolerance. I truly think that society's growing tolerance toward gay people and equal rights has everything to do with our visibility. I'm so encouraged. Let's just keep coming out everyday and letting people know who we are. It's the most powerful think we can do as a community.